Astrological Meaning of Sedna
Illustration of Sedna Many associate the following words with Sedna: Watery, dark, deep, feminine, victimization, abstract, and mystical. Above is a widespread belief, that I do not agree with at all. I have done research on Sedna and I found Sedna to be almost the opposite. I believe that the misconception came from people reading the mythology of Sedna the Inuit Goddess and taking it at face value. There are multiple versions of the Sedna mythology floating around, but in every version ends with Sedna's father chopping her fingers off, and being dropped into the sea. A lot of focus is put onto that part of the Mythology. The part that should be paid attention to is the happenings leading up Sedna being thrown into the ocean and her behavior after it happens. Like I wrote before, there are multiple versions of the Sedna myth. In many of the versions Sedna is angry, aggressive, and defiant. In all versions of the myth, sea creatures are born from her fingers. Also in all ver