Mark Ruffalo's chart rectification and reading
Mark Ruffalo has been working as steadily as an actor for decades is one of the stars of the current Marvel Cinematic Universe. Overall he is a very successful actor, but has managed to stay grounded and humbled compared to many of his peers, he seems to lack the vanity, posturing, and arrogance that one would an expect from such an actor. So it made me curious what his birth chart would show, what makes him nearly impervious to the external forces of Hollywood.
The chart below is AA rated, meaning that the the birth time is quoted from the birth certificate. The astrology chart below definitely has the his physical birth time. But this is not Mark's Spiritual birth time, which would actually be his correct birth time. The process of Spiritual birth times was originally popularized by astrologer John Willner, his book The Rising Sign Problem. Many people's ascendants are inaccurate. Much of the time they are actually the previous ascendant sign or an earlier degree of their original ascendant sign. So basically, your real birth time is the time that your soul intended to incarnate, not just your "first breath" or exactly when you popped out since many environmental factors can change when you're time exact time of physical birth. If you are an early cancer ascendant but feel like a Gemini ascendant, it is probable the you are actually a Gemini ascendant. If you are Virgo ascendant but you have a square face, large body and extroverted demeanor and big voice, it is highly likely you are actually a Leo ascendant. Kannon McAfee (who has been extraordinarily helpful to me) is a huge proponent of spiritual birth times and has numerous celebrity examples on his blog, correcting their physical birth time. Fred Bickum is another astrologer who actually owns the software used to find"incarnation windows" he has numerous examples on his site as well.
I explain more HERE.
*I will be referring to dwarf planets throughout this post. You can read my about them HERE!*
From the video above Mark Ruffalo has a very friendly and open demeanor, despite his Scorpio Sun/Mercury and his Cancer Moon. So the first instinct is that this Sagittarius rising with Jupiter square the ascendant is correct. Along with his acting and film making, Mark is also an activist so Uranus conjunct and parallel the midheaven in declination makes sense. But there are problems with this chart, it starts with the midheaven, Uranus on the midheaven for an entertainer is actually fine since Uranus is also the planet of wide communication. But with Pluto( power/dominance) conjunct as well and Sedna(the dwarf planet of aggression and general pioneer-ism) parallel, this would make Mark very ambitious. Mark wouldn't just act on others direction, and direct and write occasionally, he would own and direct others. he would be concentrated on empire building or making sure he has more powerful public influence. Varuna and Mars, two fiery planets are also trine this same midheaven, this does not fit Mark's more easygoing approach to his career. The ascendant for this chart is also wrong. Sagittarius is the tallest sign of the zodiac, also like all mutable signs Sagittarius risings in general have long tapering faces. Here are two Sagittarius rising examples.
Not only does Mark supposedly have Sagittarius rising according to his physical birth time he also has Jupiter square the same ascendant. Sun is also conjunct ascendant by seven degrees. this combination would create a large body and a large voice, he would have a large presence and probably would be athletic. But mark is recorded as 5'8" and 159 pounds but for people that have actually met him and when compared to his costars it is clear he is barely above 5'6" and if I had to guess his weight it would probably be in the early 150's maybe a less. Mark Ruffalo is not a big guy and never has been Also if you watched the video above you would also notice that even his voice is not BIG, even when he raises it, his voice keeps a slightly flat nasally tone, he even has a bit of a lisp and definitely keeps his mouth a bit tight when speaking(which can be Scorpio/Pluto trait).

But, Haumea, what I am sure is the ruler of the sign Cancer is also square the ascendant. Haumea might decrease size and would help soften his look and demeanor. Haumea would help wash out his coloring, round out his face and make his eyes appear softer and more exposed. But Mark does not have anything that could be considered soft or papery coloring. For his race he is rather dark and warm colored. He has a very square face, with a large jaw, not at all round. His eyes are not open and wide like you would expect of someone with a Sagittarius/Jupiter/Haumea ascendant, his eyes actually rather deep set.
It is clear to me that Mark does not have Sagittarius rising, but Scorpio.
In short the Scorpio ascendant has the following physical traits-Square/rectangular face and a broad jaw. They may be hair/dark haired with a dusky appearance. The body strong and is prone towards stockiness. They also tends towards general hairiness. They can be tall but normally are short-medium height, The eyes are often dark and deep set.
Physically Mark is almost a textbook Scorpio Ascendant, probably also thanks to his Scorpio Sun. But he does deviate a bit, his forehead is a bit large for a double Scorpio, he is also bit thinner and more boyish looking than expected. Another thing is his demeanor and voice. Scorpio's often have an intense demeanor and voices. They are an introverted fixed sign and are not particularly trusting or open. Though focused and resourceful, this fixed water sign doesn't waste energy moving around unless it is towards its goals. But if you watched the video at the beginning you would see that he is very friendly and open. He fidgets and moves around a lot. Mark just gives off a nervous energy, like he is always ready to move or say something. None of this is reminiscent of a normal double Scorpio, I will explain the reason for this soon.
Now that I know that he is a Scorpio ascendant, I just have to find the exact degree he is.
I used the following events to rectify his chart.
Brain Tumor Diagnosis and removal: Year 2000
Wedding Date: June 11th 2000
"You Can Count On Me" U.S.A release(his breakout role): November 17 2000
First son, Keen is born: June 2001
Brother, Scott Ruffalo is shot: December 1st 2008
Brother, Scott Ruffalo passes: December 8th 2008
"The Avengers" El Capitan Theater Premiere: April 11th 2012
"The Avengers" U.S.A premiere: May 4th 2012
After checking all these events I got an ascendant for 20 Scorpio.
I went ahead and set the chart for 20 Scorpio. and it was perfect here is the transit chart for his wedding date.
Natal ascendant quincunx transit Sun 0 degrees
Natal ascendant quincunx transit Venus 0 degrees
Natal ascendant quincunx transit Eris 0 degrees
Natal ascendant square transit Orcus 0 degrees
Natal ascendant square transit Uranus 0 degrees
Natal ascendant bi-quintile transit Mars 0 degrees
Natal ascendant semi-square transit Haumea 0 degrees
So what does Mark Ruffalo's real natal chart say about him?
Mark's natal ascendant in Scorpio is conjunct and parallel Neptune, the planet of the idealism and the intangible. Neptune is often found prominent in people that work in film(behind the scenes and in front of the camera). The same ascendant is closely conjunct the dwarf planet 2002 MS4. 2002 MS4 is the ruler of Gemini and as such the planet on the ascendant can result in a nervous and excitable temperament, lively communication, and love of knowledge. This is the planet that caused Mark's behavior to deviate from a normal Scorpio ascendant. This is the planet that caused his larger forehead, his boyish looks, his fidgety and excited nature, and his somewhat nasally voice. He also has Varuna(ruler of Sagittarius) opposite the ascendant by 6-7 degrees, this helps to confirm Marks focus on abstract ideals and concepts. Haumea(ruler of Cancer) is quintile the ascendant adding more sensitivity and emotional depth to his character. With all this on a Scorpio ascendant, Mark is definitely a big deep thinker. He loves investigating, gaining knowledge and mulling over thoughts and emotions, philosophizing, and finding creative ways to apply and communicate those ideas to people. Marks need for communication, expression, and knowledge/truth is confirmed by his 3rd/9th house interception.
Mark's Sun in the first house is widely conjunct the ascendant, giving him extra flair and vitality. He also has the planet 2007 OR10(ruler of Leo) square the ascendant by 5-6 degrees this helps to lean his personality towards drama, confidence, and creativity. Pluto in Virgo is widely parallel the ascendant trine Mars in Capricorn and both sextile his ascendant magnifying his Scorpio ascendant, giving him resourcefulness and ability for self mastery. The same ascendant is trine Orcus(ruler of Virgo). Saturn is also sesquiquadrate the ascendant. All of this aids Mark with working hard to keeping turn his abstract thoughts and concepts into something tangible. Mark may be a compassionate people person, but he is not a people pleaser, he sticks to his personal truths and is not easily swayed, but is willing to change his mind if he finds it is up to his standards. Mark has a physical willpower and confidence that he applies mentally to enact and communicate his ideals and creativity properly, even if it takes him a while.
Mark's Virgo midheaven is conjunct and parallel Jupiter. Jupiter aligned with the midheaven is a very lucky aspect. I can imagine that there were many time Mark might have been worried he was down for the count but in the end got through it. This aspect indicated broad and high influence. It also indicates abundance, especially tangibly and productively so since it is an earth sign of Virgo. Jupiter with the midheaven also makes one's aspirations and goals big as well. Haumea is also conjunct this midheaven though not as closely. Sensitivity, emotion, and passive leadership are apart of his career. Sun is square the midheaven, adding his physical body to his career. His personal vitality is tensely connected to his work and how he influences others. Sedna in Taurus trine the Midheaven gives mark even more energy when it comes to career, he gives some fighting spirit that he applies to his career, which I would imagine that he needs since he works in such a competitive industry. The midheaven is also quincunx Saturn and semisquare Orcus. All these midheaven aspects suggest a big career and popular influence based on intense feelings and sentiments through a practical and productive lense
Sun in Scorpio is conjunct Neptune, opposite Varuna, square Jupiter, and Uranus sextile showing someone with huge changeable ideals. Mark can personality can go over the top and not think things through but usually due to imaginings, following his truth, ideals, and creativity. With the Sun in the first house he uses this trait for how he presents himself and interacts with others.
Moon in Cancer is parallel Haumea and square Quaoar(ruler of Taurus). Mark is ultra sensitive and enjoys creating a comfortable/indulgent environment for himself and others. With the same Moon trine Neptune and sextile Uranus/Varuna his inner feeling are unstable. He goes back and forth over his feelings and yet again has some focus on his ideals and truth and how he expresses them. He also has Mars opposite, Sedna square, and Sun trine his Moon. Mark has very sensitive, intense, erratic feelings, and he cannot help but to be passionate about those feelings. With this Moon in the ninth house he uses those feelings towards wide reaching teaching/communicating/learning/
Mercury in Scorpio is parallel 2002 MS4 , square 2007 OR10, and quincunx Eris. Mark has a very energetic,busy, and expressive mind,. Mark has a wide variety interests with a bent towards social matters and beauty/creativity. Mercury is square Makemake, allowing him to think deeply, plan, and apply his mind towards practical matters. He also has Mercury as part of an aspect pattern with Saturn and Mars, they are all quintile/biquintile each other. this shows an innate talent for rationally applying energy through communication/intellectualism. This Mercury in the 12th house means that he expresses all of this for the sake of selfless public service.
Overall Mark's chart shows a real idealistic. He is both highly emotional and intellectual. An exciting, lively and high strung personality with depth/willfulness, sensitivity, and imagination with the ability to focus this energy into productive and enduring creative work in order to teach and connect with others.
The chart below is AA rated, meaning that the the birth time is quoted from the birth certificate. The astrology chart below definitely has the his physical birth time. But this is not Mark's Spiritual birth time, which would actually be his correct birth time. The process of Spiritual birth times was originally popularized by astrologer John Willner, his book The Rising Sign Problem. Many people's ascendants are inaccurate. Much of the time they are actually the previous ascendant sign or an earlier degree of their original ascendant sign. So basically, your real birth time is the time that your soul intended to incarnate, not just your "first breath" or exactly when you popped out since many environmental factors can change when you're time exact time of physical birth. If you are an early cancer ascendant but feel like a Gemini ascendant, it is probable the you are actually a Gemini ascendant. If you are Virgo ascendant but you have a square face, large body and extroverted demeanor and big voice, it is highly likely you are actually a Leo ascendant. Kannon McAfee (who has been extraordinarily helpful to me) is a huge proponent of spiritual birth times and has numerous celebrity examples on his blog, correcting their physical birth time. Fred Bickum is another astrologer who actually owns the software used to find"incarnation windows" he has numerous examples on his site as well.
I explain more HERE.
From the video above Mark Ruffalo has a very friendly and open demeanor, despite his Scorpio Sun/Mercury and his Cancer Moon. So the first instinct is that this Sagittarius rising with Jupiter square the ascendant is correct. Along with his acting and film making, Mark is also an activist so Uranus conjunct and parallel the midheaven in declination makes sense. But there are problems with this chart, it starts with the midheaven, Uranus on the midheaven for an entertainer is actually fine since Uranus is also the planet of wide communication. But with Pluto( power/dominance) conjunct as well and Sedna(the dwarf planet of aggression and general pioneer-ism) parallel, this would make Mark very ambitious. Mark wouldn't just act on others direction, and direct and write occasionally, he would own and direct others. he would be concentrated on empire building or making sure he has more powerful public influence. Varuna and Mars, two fiery planets are also trine this same midheaven, this does not fit Mark's more easygoing approach to his career. The ascendant for this chart is also wrong. Sagittarius is the tallest sign of the zodiac, also like all mutable signs Sagittarius risings in general have long tapering faces. Here are two Sagittarius rising examples.
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Peggy Fleming |
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John Kerry |

It is clear to me that Mark does not have Sagittarius rising, but Scorpio.
In short the Scorpio ascendant has the following physical traits-Square/rectangular face and a broad jaw. They may be hair/dark haired with a dusky appearance. The body strong and is prone towards stockiness. They also tends towards general hairiness. They can be tall but normally are short-medium height, The eyes are often dark and deep set.
Physically Mark is almost a textbook Scorpio Ascendant, probably also thanks to his Scorpio Sun. But he does deviate a bit, his forehead is a bit large for a double Scorpio, he is also bit thinner and more boyish looking than expected. Another thing is his demeanor and voice. Scorpio's often have an intense demeanor and voices. They are an introverted fixed sign and are not particularly trusting or open. Though focused and resourceful, this fixed water sign doesn't waste energy moving around unless it is towards its goals. But if you watched the video at the beginning you would see that he is very friendly and open. He fidgets and moves around a lot. Mark just gives off a nervous energy, like he is always ready to move or say something. None of this is reminiscent of a normal double Scorpio, I will explain the reason for this soon.
Now that I know that he is a Scorpio ascendant, I just have to find the exact degree he is.
I used the following events to rectify his chart.
Brain Tumor Diagnosis and removal: Year 2000
Wedding Date: June 11th 2000
"You Can Count On Me" U.S.A release(his breakout role): November 17 2000
First son, Keen is born: June 2001
Brother, Scott Ruffalo is shot: December 1st 2008
Brother, Scott Ruffalo passes: December 8th 2008
"The Avengers" El Capitan Theater Premiere: April 11th 2012
"The Avengers" U.S.A premiere: May 4th 2012
After checking all these events I got an ascendant for 20 Scorpio.
I went ahead and set the chart for 20 Scorpio. and it was perfect here is the transit chart for his wedding date.
Natal ascendant quincunx transit Sun 0 degrees
Natal ascendant quincunx transit Venus 0 degrees
Natal ascendant quincunx transit Eris 0 degrees
Natal ascendant square transit Orcus 0 degrees
Natal ascendant square transit Uranus 0 degrees
Natal ascendant bi-quintile transit Mars 0 degrees
Natal ascendant semi-square transit Haumea 0 degrees
So what does Mark Ruffalo's real natal chart say about him?
Mark's natal ascendant in Scorpio is conjunct and parallel Neptune, the planet of the idealism and the intangible. Neptune is often found prominent in people that work in film(behind the scenes and in front of the camera). The same ascendant is closely conjunct the dwarf planet 2002 MS4. 2002 MS4 is the ruler of Gemini and as such the planet on the ascendant can result in a nervous and excitable temperament, lively communication, and love of knowledge. This is the planet that caused Mark's behavior to deviate from a normal Scorpio ascendant. This is the planet that caused his larger forehead, his boyish looks, his fidgety and excited nature, and his somewhat nasally voice. He also has Varuna(ruler of Sagittarius) opposite the ascendant by 6-7 degrees, this helps to confirm Marks focus on abstract ideals and concepts. Haumea(ruler of Cancer) is quintile the ascendant adding more sensitivity and emotional depth to his character. With all this on a Scorpio ascendant, Mark is definitely a big deep thinker. He loves investigating, gaining knowledge and mulling over thoughts and emotions, philosophizing, and finding creative ways to apply and communicate those ideas to people. Marks need for communication, expression, and knowledge/truth is confirmed by his 3rd/9th house interception.
Mark's Sun in the first house is widely conjunct the ascendant, giving him extra flair and vitality. He also has the planet 2007 OR10(ruler of Leo) square the ascendant by 5-6 degrees this helps to lean his personality towards drama, confidence, and creativity. Pluto in Virgo is widely parallel the ascendant trine Mars in Capricorn and both sextile his ascendant magnifying his Scorpio ascendant, giving him resourcefulness and ability for self mastery. The same ascendant is trine Orcus(ruler of Virgo). Saturn is also sesquiquadrate the ascendant. All of this aids Mark with working hard to keeping turn his abstract thoughts and concepts into something tangible. Mark may be a compassionate people person, but he is not a people pleaser, he sticks to his personal truths and is not easily swayed, but is willing to change his mind if he finds it is up to his standards. Mark has a physical willpower and confidence that he applies mentally to enact and communicate his ideals and creativity properly, even if it takes him a while.
Mark's Virgo midheaven is conjunct and parallel Jupiter. Jupiter aligned with the midheaven is a very lucky aspect. I can imagine that there were many time Mark might have been worried he was down for the count but in the end got through it. This aspect indicated broad and high influence. It also indicates abundance, especially tangibly and productively so since it is an earth sign of Virgo. Jupiter with the midheaven also makes one's aspirations and goals big as well. Haumea is also conjunct this midheaven though not as closely. Sensitivity, emotion, and passive leadership are apart of his career. Sun is square the midheaven, adding his physical body to his career. His personal vitality is tensely connected to his work and how he influences others. Sedna in Taurus trine the Midheaven gives mark even more energy when it comes to career, he gives some fighting spirit that he applies to his career, which I would imagine that he needs since he works in such a competitive industry. The midheaven is also quincunx Saturn and semisquare Orcus. All these midheaven aspects suggest a big career and popular influence based on intense feelings and sentiments through a practical and productive lense
Sun in Scorpio is conjunct Neptune, opposite Varuna, square Jupiter, and Uranus sextile showing someone with huge changeable ideals. Mark can personality can go over the top and not think things through but usually due to imaginings, following his truth, ideals, and creativity. With the Sun in the first house he uses this trait for how he presents himself and interacts with others.
Moon in Cancer is parallel Haumea and square Quaoar(ruler of Taurus). Mark is ultra sensitive and enjoys creating a comfortable/indulgent environment for himself and others. With the same Moon trine Neptune and sextile Uranus/Varuna his inner feeling are unstable. He goes back and forth over his feelings and yet again has some focus on his ideals and truth and how he expresses them. He also has Mars opposite, Sedna square, and Sun trine his Moon. Mark has very sensitive, intense, erratic feelings, and he cannot help but to be passionate about those feelings. With this Moon in the ninth house he uses those feelings towards wide reaching teaching/communicating/learning/
Mercury in Scorpio is parallel 2002 MS4 , square 2007 OR10, and quincunx Eris. Mark has a very energetic,busy, and expressive mind,. Mark has a wide variety interests with a bent towards social matters and beauty/creativity. Mercury is square Makemake, allowing him to think deeply, plan, and apply his mind towards practical matters. He also has Mercury as part of an aspect pattern with Saturn and Mars, they are all quintile/biquintile each other. this shows an innate talent for rationally applying energy through communication/intellectualism. This Mercury in the 12th house means that he expresses all of this for the sake of selfless public service.
Overall Mark's chart shows a real idealistic. He is both highly emotional and intellectual. An exciting, lively and high strung personality with depth/willfulness, sensitivity, and imagination with the ability to focus this energy into productive and enduring creative work in order to teach and connect with others.
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