Astrological Meaning of Sedna

Illustration of Sedna

Many associate the following words with Sedna: Watery, dark, deep, feminine, victimization, abstract, and mystical.

Above is a widespread belief, that I do not agree with at all. I have done research on Sedna and I found Sedna to be almost the opposite. I believe that the misconception came from people reading the mythology of Sedna the Inuit Goddess and taking it at face value. There are multiple versions of the Sedna mythology floating around, but in every version ends with Sedna's father chopping her fingers off, and being dropped into the sea. A lot of focus is put onto that part of the Mythology. The part that should be paid attention to is the happenings leading up Sedna being thrown into the ocean and her behavior after it happens. Like I wrote before, there are multiple versions of the Sedna myth. In many of the versions Sedna is angry, aggressive, and defiant. In all versions of the myth, sea creatures are born from her fingers. Also in all versions, hunters must placate her to receive food, because she is viewed as an angry, vengeful, and audacious. Her defiance and aggression, and creatures being born from her chopped off fingers is the part that truly describes Sedna. She might be stuck in the sea with no fingers but she became the Goddess of her dominion. It is not possible for Sedna to be truly victimized, because she will not remain the "victim", but she is very much willing to become the aggressor.

I wrote a post on dwarf planets. These are the keywords and phrases I associate with Sedna.

"Sedna (#90377) has rulership over the sign of Aries:
A pioneering and innovating spirit, bossy initiator, assertive and aggressive, Getting it done by any means necessary, enthusiasm and courage due to lack of fear and caution, independence, self-serving, leading others, acting on one's own accord, abundant energy applied to one's goals."

I  didn't just pull from mythology to get this description, I did actual research on its effect on the chart. Sedna to be rather fiery and aggressive. Sedna's behavior wasn't reminiscent of Leo or Sagittarius, it reminded me of Aries.

I will use Benedict Cumberbatch as an example. Benedict's birth time is rounded time of 12 pm(giving him a 8 Libra ascendant), but Kannon McAfee rectified it to a 23 Virgo ascendant.

 Benedict has a long/tapered intelligent face and attention to detail common to Virgo ascendants.
But Benedict differs somewhat from a normal Virgo ascendant. Some would blame this variation on his highly aspected Moon in Aries. But to me there seemed to be some other reason. Benedict looks a bit watery(which can be explained by ascendant rulerships and sun aspects) and more fiery than expected. Benedict has high cheekbones/padding, sharp/bright eyes, warm skin undertones, and a rather resonant and large voice. I watched some interviews and it appears that Benedict is innately a bit more aggressive and bold than he likes to come across. Those traits are common to an Aries, I believe those traits actually come from Sedna nearly exactly parallel Benedict's ascendant. 

Sedna is not watery, nor is it the victim or Martyr. Sedna is the energetic and masculine initiator. Sedna is bossy leader, and will come first. Sedna is goal oriented, it will see a goal and will do what they have to do to get it done. But Sedna is not like Capricorn/Makemake, it is not a long term and shrewd planner. Sedna is willing to go in headfirst, no caution, to get their goals done(short term and otherwise).


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