Zoe Saldana: Astrology Chart Reading and Rectification.
*I will be referring dwarf planets throughout this post, read the dwarf planets delinations HERE*
Before I opened up Zoe Saldana's chart I expected to see a Fire ascendant(most likely Leo) with mutable factors(like Mercury, Neptune, 2002 MS4, etc) or a Gemini or Virgo ascendant with strong fiery factors on the ascendant(like Mars, Sedna, Varuna, etc). I felt somewhat satisfied when I saw that when using a birth time straight from her birth certificate put Leo on her ascendant.

The ascendant and to some extent the Sun, is the physical body and face. If the ascendant and it's aspects do not match the physical appearance, then the ascendant is wrong. Many times someone "born" with one ascendant will often look or feel like their most previous ascendant sign. For example you are someone born with a Leo ascendant, but you are shy, passive, and soft looking then You are most likely not a Leo ascendant. You are a Cancer ascendant! The real birth time everyone must follow is the "spiritual birth time" this is time your soul set to incarnate into this world. The spiritual birth time usually precedes the physical one up to a couple hours, but sometimes may be some minutes after. How do you find your spiritual birth time? The only way is through rectification.
I will be using Zoe's chart as and example of my Rectification, I will be reading her chart as well.
Zoe is definitely a Leo ascendant she has the fiery appearance, cheek padding, large and wide-spaced eyes, and reminiscent of Leo ascendant. She even has the lollipop thing a lot of Leo ascendants have going on, where the head looks big on the body.
The chart and table above show a Leo Ascendant square Uranus/Quaoar and loosely square Sedna. This does not match Zoe's tapered mercurial face or her wiry body. She should have a larger and squarer face/body. Some people would say that Zoe's Gemini Sun is enough to severely change her appearance, but Angelina Jolie has a Gemini Sun with a Leo ascendant aspected by Sedna, Quaoar, and Uranus. And at Angelina's healthy weight she has a much squarer, bolder, and stronger look than Zoe.

Another problem is this ascendant shows Zoe with moon parallel the ascendant. Moon would explain her previous career as a dancer, since Moon with the ascendant can give rhythm (Michael Jackson and Shirley Maclaine have this aspect). But seeing as that her preferred dance was ballet(which requires less rhythm and more discipline), Moon is not needed. I can see Capricorn/Pisces/Virgo/Orcus/Neptune/Makemake influence preferring ballet. Moon parallel Leo ascendant would really round out her face, not taper it. If you pay attention to Zoe you would notice there is nothing sensitive and shy about her appearance or behavior.
Zoe's face is also quite sharp, meaning pluto or sedna are influencing the ascendant. Sedna is in early Taurus which helps me to narrow down the ascendant window. I spot Orcus in late Cancer, Orcus add disclipline, restraint, perfectionism. Orcus is the ruler of Virgo, so it can give someone more of a Virgoan look. It can thin out the face and body, enlarge the forehead, and narrow the jaw. I also see Venus in early Leo, this could make someone want to express beauty and aesthetics physically(dancing). Already I know that Zoe must have Orcus and Venus conjunct her real ascendant. For the planet to have an influence, it would have to be no less then six degrees away from her ascendant. But her ascendant must stay in Leo, because there is no way she is a Cancer ascendant, and she must stay in aspect with Sedna. So that puts her ascendant at 0-3 degrees Leo. In order to refine get closer to the actual degree I have to check the ascendant and midheaven against the transits and progressions of her life events.
Zoe met her began dating her current husband in March 2013, she married him June 2013, I have no exact date for her wedding so I will just set the date for June 15 2013.
Zoe first gave birth to twins on November 27 2014.
Spring 2009 to early 2010 was a breakthrough time in her career.
"Star Trek" premiered at the Sydney Opera House on April 7th 2009, It's U.S.A release was May 8th 2009
"Avatar" London premiere - December 10th 2009
"Avatar" United Kingdom premiere- December 17th
"Avatar"U.S.A premiere- December 18th 2009
using these events I narrowed her ascendant down to 1 Leo.
Now I will interpret her rectified birth chart!
Natal Leo 1st house Venus is contraparallel Sagittarius 5th house Neptune. This aspect suggest a grand and flashy artistry through a imaginative and liberal lens towards entertaining others. Orcus is parallel Pluto implying deeply intense rationality, observance, and perfectionism. Zoe's Leo ascendant is conjunct Orcus/Venus and square Sedna. Meaning all that perfectionism and creativity is expressed aggressively through the body and image, in the way she interacts with others. This explains why has gotten so many action roles, many of which where she is uptight and serious. Also explains the ballet, those aspects gear her toward discliplined and beautiful action(movement). Also explains her thoughts on race( believing black people don't work as hard as whites). She has her own opinions and high standards, and can be brash about it.
The rulers of her ascendant, the Sun and 2007 OR10, are well aspected. Her 11th house Gemini Sun is conjunct mercury, parallel Jupiter, contraparallel 2007 OR10, and quincunx 2002 MS4. Zoe has got a real vitality and curiosity, and is a bit high strung/flighty. Zoe likes to use her enjoys learning new things, and keeping her mind busy. Zoe is must be very confident, probably with a big ego! She is very optimistic, cheerful, and prideful. She is also authoritative, and likes to be on top. If Zoe disagrees with someone or someone slights her, they are the stupid fool. With 2007 OR10 parallel Haumea and quintile the Moon a bit of personal sensitive emotions are added to the mix. Makemake/Saturn are opposite 2007 OR10, taking some of that fire and putting it towards responsibility and working for something tangible. There is also 5th/11th house interception. This big energy is put towards relations with others/ the audience/"the people".
Zoe's Aries midheaven is conjunct Eris, opposite Pluto, square Jupiter, trine Neptune, and quintile the Sun. I do not see Zoe's career ever going down the drain. Her aspects give her extreme luck when is comes to public image and career. She wants a BIG career and to create something lasting. There is focus on gaining power and influence in her chosen field, these aspects make her very ambitious. Zoe is a go-getter! Zoe wants to direct others, not the other way around. She may be good at showing restraint and appearing courteous, but she really wants to boss other people around! Those aspects also show a career in the arts or diplomacy/people pleasing. I can see Zoe going the Gwyneth Paltrow way and owning a lifestyle/cosmetics company. I also see her having her own production company and directing film/television , like Reese Witherspoon.
The rulers of her midheaven, Mars and Sedna, are well aspected. 2nd house Virgo Mars is contraparallel Eris and Quaoar, loosely contraparallel Pluto and 2002 MS4, and sextile Mercury and Sedna. This again puts focus on gaining assets/control, resourcefulness, and putting energy into something harmonic and beautiful. Zoe will not work for free unless it is something she considers altruistic and fair, and makes her feel better about herself. Charity is not a priority. This also puts energy into communication. 10th house Taurus Sedna is opposite Quaoar , square Venus, and sextile mercury/mars. Takes the principle of her career and makes her even more focused on building something tangible for herself. Energetically communicating beauty, harmony, and creativity is important to her and her career.
5th house Sagittarius moon, focuses liberal and fiery personal personal feelings/rhythms into creativity used to entertain others. The Moon also has a quintile pattern with Jupiter and 2007 OR10. This again, suggest expansive creative feelings. Zoe needs to be heard, and will always find a way to emote her feelings.
I remember there was some controversy with Ms. Saldana, a few years ago. I believe the cover "115 pounds of fire" or something to that effect. The controversy was understandable, it was over her advertising what many consider a low weight and reinforcing the "anorexic ideal". She later came out to say that she was that for how small she is she has a lot going on. I believe her! This chart show a real fireball, a highly observant and stubborn person, someone that wants to do new things and reach high aspirations, and has no plans on letting anyone or anything stop her. She is highly opinionated and curious, She will debate, speak as she pleases, and decide her own standards. Zoe is very confident and will almost always believe she is right. She chooses to express all this through imagination, beauty, harmony, and creativity. As she is gaining star power, anything she plans to to in the future, she will do it to her high standards.
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